Time & attendance

Activity monitoring


Accurate Job Costing & Cost Per Site

By integrating timekeeping and payroll, Agrigistics bridges the gap, providing you with real-time job costing and site-specific cost insights. Gain a comprehensive understanding of your labour costs across all operations.

harvesting oranges with rfid wristband



Pretoria Site

Mooinooi Site

Built locally for South Africa's Labour Intensive Industries

RFID & Rugged Device
Screenshot of Employee Timeline Working Hours
Construction Worker Busy On Site

Flexible Solutions for Labour-Intensive Industries

Clock and Monitor Employee Activities

Agrigistics simplifies managing and overseeing employee activities with flexible integration into our attendance and payroll systems. This ensures accurate job costing and streamlined payroll processes, all tailored for labour-intensive industries.

Seamless Integration with Clocking Data

Clocking data collected through our rugged devices, silicone wristbands, and biometric scanners integrates seamlessly into our system, providing real-time updates and accurate information on hours worked and associated costs.

Detailed Reporting for Cost Management

Generate comprehensive reports that provide insights into employee productivity and costs per site. Simplify cost management with real-time data on labour expenses, allowing for quick, informed decisions. Our integrated system ensures accurate cost information at your fingertips, helping you manage expenses effectively.

Customisable Job Units for Operational Efficiency

Create and manage custom job units to suit your specific operational needs. Whether managing piecework or job sites, our system allows precise allocation of units, ensuring all costs are accurately accounted for. This flexibility is crucial for adapting to various project demands in labour-intensive industries, optimizing operations, and improving productivity.

employee overview screenshot
Fram Job Costing Activities
Detailed View Of Employee Hours Screenshot

Seamless Transition

Unparalleled Support for Your Job Costing Needs

You’re never alone with Agrigistics. Our onboarding specialists ensure a smooth transition from your current system, getting you up and running ASAP. Once you’re set-up, our team of qualified payroll consultants and time and attendance engineers provide expert guidance on all aspects of our system.

Smooth Onboarding

Our dedicated onboarding specialists ensure a smooth transition from your current system, getting you up and running quickly. We guide you through every step, making sure all your data is accurately transferred and set up, so you can start using Agrigistics with confidence.

Specialised Expertise

Our team includes qualified payroll consultants and time and attendance specialists who provide expert guidance on all aspects of our system. Whether you need help with tracking costs per site, managing job costing, or optimising your use of the platform, our experts are here to assist you at no additional cost.

Extensive Support and Resources

We provide detailed help documentation and continuous support to ensure effective management of your job costing requirements.Our team is always available to provide immediate, specialised support, ensuring you never have to figure out anything on your own.

Screesnhot of Onboarding Documentation
Screenshot of Support Conversation
Screenshot of interactive Help Documentation
construction workers on site
Employee Pay Run Details
harvesting oranges with rfid wristband

Simplify, Save, and Succeed with Agrigistics

Join more than 150 companies managing their employees with Agrigistics

Our clients experience real results, and our team is eagerly waiting to discuss how our solution can add value to your current labour management processes.


Have any questions?

We're here to help! Find answers to common questions about our products and services. If you don't see what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to us directly.

Can I customise job units within the system?

Yes, our system allows you to create and manage custom job units, ensuring that all costs are accurately accounted for according to your specific operational needs. This includes the ability to manage piecework effectively, providing precise cost tracking for different tasks and projects.

How does Agrigistics assist with job costing?

Agrigistics integrates clocking and payroll data to provide real-time job costing insights. You can track employee activities by task, area, and project, ensuring precise allocation of labour costs.

Can I use just your time & attendance or payroll solution?

No, our value lies in our unique integration between time attendance and payroll, providing a seamless, all-in-one solution. This ensures accurate, real-time data management and efficient operations.